Paul Gilbert

The future virtuoso was born on November 6, 1966 in Carbondale, USA. The young man was fond of music since childhood, his dream was not just to learn how to play the guitar, but to do it very well. His creative career began in the mid-80s, when long hair and disco music were in fashion. Paul Gilbert moved to Los Angeles, where he began performing in the band Racer X. This small band consisted of the same dreamers as the guitarist himself, who wanted to become famous. Unfortunately, the group failed to conquer the general public.

When did Paul Gilbert really become famous? The musician's biography includes performances with the band Mr. big. It was in this group that the artist managed to win the love and admiration of the audience. Soon the musician decided to make a solo career. His work is a huge success with the audience. The guitarist has played hundreds of concerts, recorded more than 30 albums, creates new compositions and teaches.

Paul Gilbert, whose photo is now recognizable in all corners of the world, began learning to play the guitar at the age of six. The teacher studying with him bored the boy. That is why Paul stopped music lessons for three years and picked up his favorite instrument again only at the age of nine. At this age, the future virtuoso could already pick up the chords of his favorite songs by ear. The move to Los Angeles was due to studying at a music college. The guitarist remembers this time as the happiest, because he was doing what he loved around the clock. Paul Gilbert admires Bach, admits that it is this classic that inspires him to perform long and intricate passages.

The guitarist is a very versatile person. During his life, he repeatedly led columns in various music publications dedicated to performance techniques, the secrets of the game. The artist has been teaching guitar for over 17 years. He even has his own video school. Guitarists Gilbert looked up to in his younger years: Uli Roth, Ace Frehley, Michael Schenker and other prominent music performers. Paul spent a long time in Japan. He really likes the culture of this country. Now the guitarist lives in Los Angeles, the city that brought him worldwide fame.